
Part 1 - Create a new Teams custom tab

  1. Launch Visual Studio Code and select Microsoft Teams icon on the left side bar, then Sign in with your Microsoft 365 Developer tenant.

    đź“Ś NOTE đź“Ś : Make sure to complete the setup for Microsoft Teams Toolkit.

    Microsoft Teams Toolkit Extension for Visual Studio Code

  2. Select Create a new Teams app,
    • Give a name for the app such as “OneProductivityHub”
    • Choose Tab for the capability
    • Select Next

    Microsoft Teams Toolkit Extension for Visual Studio Code

    • Select Personal tab
    • Select Finish

    Microsoft Teams Toolkit Extension for Visual Studio Code

    • Open Terminal and run:

       npm install
       npm start

      Set up ngrok and create a tunnel

      If you didn’t setup your ngrok yet, you may follow the instructions: Setup Ngrok.

In order to test your application later, you will need to host your application over a public-facing URL using HTTPS. Install ngrok and create a tunnel from the Internet to http://localhost:3000 with the following command:

ngrok http 3000

⚡ IMPORTANT! ⚡ : In your project directory, locate the .publish\Development.env file and replace the value for baseUrl0 with your ngrok URL.


Next Step

▶️ Part 2 - Register your application in Azure Active Directory